Drum Workshop
Drum Workshop – Understanding and Using Subdivisions on the Drum Kit
March 6th with lead Drum instructor, Jared
Jared Johnson, a Professional drummer, and instructor will inspire you to drum like never before. Are you ready to take your drum skills to the next level? Are you ready to rock your drum solo when they say your name?
The topic of both will be Understanding and Using Subdivisions, the advanced class will just take the concept further. We’ll discuss and learn a variety of different subdivisions, apply them to beats and fills, play together as a group, etc.
When: November 14th
10 am-11:30 am-Intermediate
12 pm-1:30 pm-Advanced
Cost: $20 per person
Pre-registration required.
Hourly Schedule
10:00 am to 11:30 am Intermediate Workshop
- 12:00 - 1:30Pm
- Advanced Drummers